Weissbad Appenzell, Switzerland
powered by HFC ALPSTEIN



It will start soon! We can hardly wait. 🙂 But first some news!

Alpstein Crossing is now part of the X-Alps Academy Swiss Cup! The Academy Swiss Cup is the annual ranking of the Swiss Hike&Fly athletes. These include existing, established Swiss Hike&Fly events. The “Academy Swiss Cup powered by TeamWork” also pursues a further professionalization of the discipline Hike&Fly and provides the basis for the Academy selections! Check out https://xalpsacademy.com/swiss-cup/

A-Team 1
Team A-Team 1 is unfortunately eliminated. For health and other reasons, the team with Alexander Hille can not participate this year. We wish a good recovery and look forward to participating in 2022!

Replacement Turnpoint Obere Eugst
The replacement for the Obere Eugst turnpoint has finally been found. Unfortunately, the clarifications with the property owners and authorities have been somewhat protracted. We are currently updating the Race Rules and the website. The replacement will be posted this week via our social media channels and here in the news. Stay tuned! 🙂